3045 S. Cooper St. Arlington, TX 76015

Periodontal Disease Treatment Arlington, TX

You may be at risk of gum disease if you commonly have sensitive, bleeding, or inflamed gums. This common but damaging disease can happen to patients of any age. Gum disease begins with bleeding and irritated gums but can eventually lead to tooth loss. At Cooper Family Dental, we provide periodontal disease treatment in Arlington, TX. We want to keep your teeth and gums healthy. 

Our gum treatments are a part of restorative dentistry. When you treat gum disease, you can restore the function and look of your teeth and gums. 

Periodontal Disease Treatment in Arlington TX

What Causes Gum Disease?

Your mouth contains good bacteria that support your oral health. However, leftover food or a lack of saliva caused by dry mouth can attract harmful bacteria. Gum disease begins when harmful bacteria build in the mouth. These bacteria feed on sugars left in the mouth.

The bacteria create plaque, a thin bacterial film, can cover the teeth and gums. If plaque is not removed, it forms tartar, also known as calculus. While you can remove plaque with regular brushing and flossing, tartar is harder to remove. Only a hygienist or dentist can remove plaque.

As gum disease progresses, it breaks down the gum tissue. The teeth lose support from the gums. As a result, you can lose natural teeth. 

Signs of Gum Disease

Common symptoms of gum disease include: 

  • Bleeding gums
  • Gum pockets (gum recession)
  • Bad breath

Your symptoms will depend on your stage of gum disease. You may also be at risk of gum disease due to:

  • Smoking
  • Diabetes
  • Dry mouth
  • Hormonal changes
  • Genetics
  • Medications

Please contact our office if you notice sudden gum problems or changes in the appearance and comfort of your gums. 

Gum Disease and Your Health

Your gum health can impact your overall health. Gum disease is linked to:

  • Heart Problems: If you have a history of heart problems, you may be more at risk of increased problems because of inflammation. When inflammation reaches the heart, it can lead to a heart attack, stroke, or other heart issues.
  • Diabetes: Some medications for diabetes can create dry mouth and increase the amount of glucose in the saliva. As a result, it attracts bacteria to the mouth. 
  • Pregnancy: Hormonal changes during pregnancy can increase gum irritation. If you are pregnant, you can safely visit our office for routine cleanings to prevent gum disease.

The Stages of Gum Disease

Your symptoms can indicate your stage of the disease, and the treatments we may recommend. Gum disease has multiple stages:

  • Gingivitis: Also known as gum inflammation, gingivitis is the precursor to gum disease, marked by inflamed and swollen gum tissue. The good news is gingivitis is reversible. If you only have plaque or tartar at the gum line, we will recommend regular dental cleaning. This cleaning and a good at-home oral hygiene routine should reverse your symptoms. 
  • Mild Periodontitis: As gingivitis turns into periodontitis, the gums pull away from the teeth, creating gum pockets. A deep cleaning will help reduce bacteria in these gum pockets. We may recommend regular gum cleanings to keep your gum disease in check.  
  • Moderate Periodontitis: As gum pockets grow, they expose the tooth roots. This problem increases the risk of inflammation affecting other parts of the body. Deep gum cleanings and oral surgery are the best options for moderate gum disease. 
  • Advanced Periodontitis: Untreated gum disease will lead to gum and bone loss. During the final stage of gum disease, you may experience deep gum pockets and loose teeth. Gum disease is irreversible; we will recommend oral surgery to help rebuild lost tissue.

Periodontal Disease Treatment in Arlington, TX

If you have signs of gum disease, or if we notice these signs at a routine dental visit, we will recommend a thorough examination. We will find the source of your gum disease and which areas of the mouth require treatment. Then, we will create a treatment plan. We base this plan on your stage of gum disease, current health, and medications.

Multiple treatments can restore your gums:

Scaling and Root Planing

These treatments, used in tandem, help remove bacteria from the gums and tooth roots. To begin, we use a stainless steel tool to remove plaque and tartar from the gum pockets. Then, we move to the tooth roots, removing bacterial buildup. Root planing helps smooth the tooth roots and ensure the roots stay attached.


Medicine can help reduce harmful bacteria in the mouth. We may place antibiotics in the gum pockets after a deep cleaning. You can also use antibacterial rinses at home as a part of your at-home routine.


In advanced cases of gum disease, we will refer you to an oral surgeon. Multiple surgeries are available to remove and rebuild tissue.

A gingivectomy can remove infected gum tissue. If you have extreme gum recession, a gum grafting treatment can help. Gum grafts take healthy gum tissue from another part of the mouth. Bone grafting is also useful for bone loss. Like gum grafting, bone grafting can rebuild lost bone tissue.

How to Keep Your Gums Healthy

In addition to in-office treatment, you can keep your gums healthy at home:

  • Brush and Floss: It may seem simple, but a good oral hygiene routine is your best bet for healthy gums. Before you brush, floss between each tooth. Ensure you curve the floss around each tooth at the gum line. Then, brush for two minutes. Clean each tooth, the gums, and the tongue. 
  • Get Routine Cleanings: Visit the dentist every six months for a dental cleaning. During a cleaning, our hygienists scale the teeth, brush, and floss. If you have reoccurring gum problems, we will recommend a more frequent schedule for deep cleanings. 
  • Limit Sugar: Sugary foods and drinks contribute to an increased risk of gum disease. Harmful bacteria feed on sugars left in your mouth. When you eat sugar, ensure you drink water and brush and floss thoroughly to prevent sugar from staying in the mouth.

Renew Your Gum Health

Call Cooper Family Dental for periodontal disease treatment in Arlington, TX, at 817-646-1217. You can also schedule a dental appointment with us online. If you have questions about gum disease, please let us know at your next visit. We’re here to help.